Everything will be alright ...

As I was thinking of what to write, I remember one of the great miracles of God in my life.

It was the first month of my married life. Things were not the way I expected them to be. Instead of feeling bad about the way things turned out, I remained hopeful. Days passed and I’m beginning to lose hope. On the third month, I have concluded that I married the wrong man. My family and my best friends were right. I should not have married my husband. There was no one to blame but me. I gave my heart to someone who didn’t deserve it. Now, what was I to do? Nothing but accept the fact that life would be a heavy cross on my shoulder. So, every night I would pray to God. Crying out my heart to Him, I pleaded, “Lord, if this is the cross I have to bear, have mercy on me and help me carry it.”

One night I asked Him, “Lord, please comfort me. I can’t bear these sufferings. Help me. Strengthen me.” I silently cried myself unto sleep whispering this prayer over and over again. In the morning, I woke up from a beautiful dream. In the dream I saw myself under a large white tent; with people from different countries talking and walking around. I was about to ask somebody what’s the occasion when a voice from somewhere told me that we are there to worship God and receive whatever His message is for each one of us through the white, round and flat stone placed in front of us. He told me that after one had worshiped and prayed to God, he would look into the stone and wait for God’s message. He also mentioned that the time of worship will be announced. After he spoke, a voice proclaimed that it was time to worship. With that, all the people started to bow down his head and prayed. I closed my eyes and asked God what He would tell me. And then I opened my eyes and looked on the white stone. I saw written on the stone that looks like letters in Hebrew. Then, all the letters formed an outline of the face of Jesus. It then slowly turned into a real picture of Jesus. In a few more seconds the picture began to change into a three-dimensional Jesus coming out of the white stone. He walked out of the stone and walked towards me. He stood in front of me. He looked at me and smiled. He placed both of His hands on my shoulders and said in a very gentle voice, “Everything will be alright.” The sound of His voice echoed throughout my whole being. It sounded like a gentle breeze of wind. Soothing and healing me from all the hurts and heartaches that I was having. I smiled at Him and in a wink of an eye, I found myself looking up the ceiling. That’s when I knew that the Lord heard my prayers. He strengthened me. Out of great joy I told my husband that I dreamed about the Lord Jesus. However I didn’t share with him what the dream was all about.

Months passed. Nothing changed in my situation except for the fact that I am able to deal with my sufferings well with the strength that the Lord has given me. On the tenth month, the most revealing and most terrifying thing happened. That’s when I knew I had enough of my husband terrorizing me. I can’t take anymore of how he is treating me. I begged the Lord to take me out of my husband’s life. I wanted to be out of that married life I was in. I pleaded to the Lord to save me and get me out of that living hell that I was in. I tried to tell my family about it but I was scared that if they get involved they might get themselves hurt. It was Friday, 12th of December when I tried to tell my Mom but fear overpowered me and so I kept my silence. At the night of that same day, as I was walking down the road from my mother’s house, I cried out to God,” Lord, have mercy! Save me! I’m afraid of my husband! I don’t know what will happen to me. I plead to You, Lord! Get me out of this situation I’m in! I trust You Lord that You will get me out of this. I trust You, Lord. Now, I’m going back to our place where my husband is, I will trust You for my safety. I will trust and wait for You to save me and get me out of this frightening situation that I’m in. Tears run down my face as I walk with fear eating up every ounce of the remaining strength that I have. Repeating to myself the words, “I trust You, Lord that You will get me out of this.” Suddenly, I heard my Mom’s voice calling out my name. I turned around to look. I saw my Mom running towards me. When she finally reached the place where I stood, she asked me how I am. With tears in my eyes, I blurted out to her, “I’m scared Mommy! I’m scared! I don’t want to go back to my husband.” She embraced me and took me home. We got back to her place and she had me sat down on a chair. She asked me what happened. Sobbing, I divulged to her everything I have kept as a secret from her and from everyone else. She comforted me and assured me that she would help me out and do something about it. With the help of God, she planned everything. And everything turned out just as planned! She dumped my husband for me. After sometime, I asked her what made her came after me that night. She told me there’s an invisible force that pushed her to come after me and something, somewhat a voice told her that there’s something wrong going on with me. Indeed, that is a solid evidence that God heard my prayers; and that He actually moved through my Mom whom He used as an instrument in His plans of helping me.

Two months passed. One morning, I was sitting on the couch looking back at what had happened and how God helped me, I was amazed at His awesome deeds. In prayer, I whispered, “Praise You, O God! Praise and thank You for saving me and getting me out of that situation! Praise You!” Then God reminded me of the dream I had of Him. He painted on my mind, the scene of Him saying, “Everything will be alright. That’s when I realized that He kept His promise. I prayed to God saying, “Lord! Now, I know and understand why You said everything will be alright. Indeed, I’m okay now. Thank you Lord! Praise You forever and ever!!!” Then, I turned on the television to watch and saw a female cartoons saying, “See? Everything’s alright!”

Was it coincidence? No, I don’t think so. God can speak to us through anything or anyone. You just have to know if the message is really coming from Him or not.

And so, I smiled and told God in a whispered prayer,” Yes, indeed Lord! Yes, indeed!”

May God be praised forever and ever!!!

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

- Philippians 4:6-8 (New American Standard Bible)