Strange miracle by the roadside ...

(photo from Google)

This incident that I’m going to share with you happened last year. It’s something that I could not forget.  I think it was around past one in the afternoon when it happened.  Mom and
I was walking by the sidewalk of the GMA building at Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue. As we traversed the path heading to the Metro Rail Transit Station I was praying to God.  In a flow of thoughts, God told me to walk behind Mom. Then God commanded me to watch my mother as she walked.  Suddenly a man from behind me came and clasped Mommy’s ears with his hands.  I was so shocked and thought for a moment that he was a friend of Mom. Mom was in a panic that she tried to move the man’s hands off her ears.  In a loud voice, I told the man, “Hey! What are you doing with my Mom?!”  To my amazement, instead of those words, a long growl-like sound came out of my mouth.  The man looked and saw something beside me.  Out of fear, he let go of my mother.  He lost grip of the earrings that he took from my mother and ran off with great fear on his face.  He was so scared that he was able to jump over the iron fence of the sidewalk.  I was in awe of what had happened.  I wondered where the growl-like sound came from when it wasn’t me who made the sound.  I even wondered what the man saw beside me that made him so frightened and run like that.  Whatever it was I know it was God’s power at work at that moment.  God proved to me that He is always with us.

(photo from Google)
 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:38 - 39

Praise God forever and ever!