A Fulfilled Dream and A Kind Woman of Great Influence

It was a beautiful day.   I decided to write down my bucket list or dream list.  One dream I wrote there was to have a job with a five-digit salary. I wanted to work from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.


I prayed to God for that ideal job I'd been dreaming of having.  Without a doubt, I know God would grant me what I've been praying for.


Days passed. I kept myself busy doing the usual daily tasks. I lovingly served my loved ones - my family.


Finally, God answered my prayer.


My sister Joy who submitted her resume to the Human Resource Department of the University of the Philippines saw an announcement from one of the colleges.  She told me about the job being offered at the College of Home Economics at the University of the Philippines, Diliman.  It was a vacant position for a Project Assistant.


I prepared my resume and portfolio. I wanted to get the job. It's a dream job for me.  It's all about doing marketing materials to promote the college.


So, a few days after, I went to the place. I submitted my resume and had a short conversation with the Human Resource Officer of the college.  The HR officer set me up for an appointment with the Dean of the said college, Dean Adelaida V. Mayo.


It was I think around the month of October 2011 that I had my interview with Dean Adelaida V. Mayo in her office. The interview was a bit informal.  Dean Mayo is so kind that she made me feel so at ease during the job interview.  It was like having a simple get-to-know-you conversation with an acquaintance or a newfound friend.  She asked me to introduce myself and share with her everything about me regarding the position I'm applying for.  I even showed her my simple portfolio and proposed future projects that I could do for the promotion of the college.  I showed her a sample of my graphic design works such as brochures, flyers, letterhead, etcetera.  I even showed her that I'm also good at doing layouts for a newsletter.   Dean Mayo liked very much the idea of having a newsletter.  She was inspired by the many possibilities of designs or projects which I could do for the college.


After almost an hour, Dean Mayo called the Admin Officer IV  She gave instructions to prepare a contract for me to sign to finalize her decision of hiring me as the Project Assistant.


Dean Mayo decided I start on the first day of work in January of the next year which was 2012.  It was on the second week of January 2012 that I signed the contract.  I was told that it was a renewable contract every year. 


The first week was a challenge for me since I have no idea how they wanted to promote the college and its projects.  The desktop computer which the previous project assistant used was taken by the Admin Aide who needed a much larger capacity storage drive in the computer to be used to store or record scanned copies of the documents received in the Dean's Office.  That's why I have no samples or guides to look at with to base my design.  Slowly, by the requests and guidance of the dean, I was able to make my own version of how I'm going to conceptualize designs for the promotional needs of the college.


Dean Mayo who is an Interior Designer also finished her Doctorate. She has a fine or exquisite preference for art. Being an artist herself, it was easy for us both to collaborate with our own set of ideas melding into one creative design for the first project of one of the departments of the college.

I also made a tarpaulin banner representing our college in a university-wide parade involving all the different colleges and offices of the University of the Philippines, Diliman.  Of course, we were part of those who represented our college in the morning parade.  It was the "Linggo ng Parangal".   It was one of my happy memories.

As always, Dean Mayo checked my designs before finalizing them and having them printed or disseminated.  She made sure that I would always end up with a design that would meet the standards of all faculty members specifically the head of the department for which I have designed the banner or tarpaulin.  I didn't have any difficulty adapting my style to the kind of art Dean Mayo requires. Designing marketing materials for the promotion of the college's projects or activities was always an exciting challenge since I was required to use a set of four colors as the maximum number of colors per tarpaulin or any marketing design. It is to give an impression of formality and an emphasis on the fact that it's all about being a part of education.


I often enjoyed the designing part more than the administrative work assigned to me.  Having handled a number of these administrative tasks, I have come to realize my full potential not only as an artist but in every aspect of work an employee encounters in any working environment.

One of the challenges I encountered was when I was asked by Dean Mayo to conceptualize a two-panel, large-sized tarpaulin for the anniversary of the college wherein all the accomplishments through the previous years and the latest projects resulting in the present developments are featured.  I was so happy to be able to accomplish such an enormous design project and received a lot of appreciation for my work from all the faculty members and colleagues who were all very supportive.


There was also a time when I was requested by Dean Mayo to make a design for a set of flyers for a certain project. I had an art block.  The dean noticed that I was staring blankly at my computer screen. I was thinking of what to put together for the flyers. She asked how I am. I honestly told her I couldn't think of any idea. She smiled and told me, " Why? Aren't you coming up with those 'creative ideas? " I nodded.  She helped me right away by suggesting that I used one of the paintings that symbolizes the college. A little help and tons of encouragement from her and voila! I've come up with the best-designed flyer that she's proudly shown to all her fellow faculty members.


Dean Mayo is a great mentor. She shared with me her art preferences and style. I have learned a lot from her.  She has a way of making everyone feel important.  That everyone's voice matters and is given a chance to be heard.  She's very generous with compliments and shows that she appreciates the dedication and commitment of every employee.   She's down to earth.  She has a very good heart. She knows how to listen. She may be the Dean of the college, but still, she remains a humble colleague that is compassionate but firm with all the people she worked with.


Dean Lady as she is popularly known to all, is an epitome of an ideal educator who is selfless and with great passion gives her service, time, and herself to the people God sends her way. 


I admire her not only because of her professionalism, great work ethic. I could go on and on with the endless good qualities of Dean Lady and her admirable sense of fashion.  I'm a big fan of her.  I love the way she handles herself - very, very respectable and dignified. 


There are so many wonderful adjectives that I could mention here to describe her.


To me, Dean Lady is one of the best women in the world that God blessed us with.  I could never forget her for all the kindness she has shown me.  It's truly rare to find people who would make a difference in your life.  She didn't only make a difference in my life, she even allowed me to realize my dream of making use of my knowledge and expertise in the profession that I have been as an advertising arts graduate and a graphic designer.  For that, Im forever grateful to her.


In my heart, she would always be the posh, gentle Dean Lady whom I would always admire and try to emulate. The genuinely good-hearted woman who has practical but exquisite taste in everything.  She is my boss, my colleague, my dear friend, my confidant. Known to all as the kind-hearted, elegant dean of our college. And to most of us who had a chance to really get to know her personally, Id say one couldnt help but love her for her being so benevolent. She is Dean Adelaida V. Mayo, our beloved Dean Lady.